Monday, December 3, 2007

Project Scheduling of GameStop

Every time before a new game comes out, GameStop would set up a list of plans on the upcoming schedule. GameStop has an event every time a new game comes out, the event called Night Opening. That is, GameStop will open again after the regular closing time on that particular day. The first thing they would do is to make orders to the game producers.
When GameStop does the scheduling for the Night Opening event a month ahead from the actual event date. first they would estimate the amount of inventory they will need on the date that the new game comes out. For example, when Halo 3 came out, GameStop had to order the game from the game producers a month ahead in an estimated amount. Second they would do the preparation on decorating the store for the upcoming event, the programs include game demos, explanations and game tournaments. Lastly, GameStop would communicate with other stores around itself to join the Night Opening on the event date, those stores include some food stores restaurants otr Starbucks. And if the GameStop is in a mall, they would need to contact the mall and get the permission to open the mall after the closing time.
During the event, GameStop would open again at 12am. the customers are ready to purchase.

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